Willy Woo: Bitcoin Likely Targeting $100,000 – $250,000 This Market Cycle

From his latest interview on the Keiser Report, Woo feels BTC could hit $250K by the end of this market cycle…

“We don’t know the future. We don’t know how long this bull market will run. Generally, these things are four-year cycles. If you extrapolated the current cycle with the general four-year cycle… what you’re getting is these pushes because of the mining halvening, and if you imagine it’s like a bathtub, and you’re just pushing that water and it sloshes every four years, that’s the kind of cycle we’re cycling with Bitcoin.

And if you make a best guess, that’s about $100,000. I think one of the more common sense predictions would be $135,000 based on the timing signature and that 35x of average cap — so I’m looking at the $100-250,000 range depending on how long this bull market runs.”


Master Asked on March 5, 2020 in Predictions.
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