Survey Says: Most Americans Optimistic About Bitcoin And Crypto, Frustrated By Current Monetary System

Coinbase recently performed a study and it shows most Americans are optimistic about Bitcoin and cryptocurrency and are frustrated by the mess fiat has wrought upon them and their country.

A study conducted by Morning Consult on behalf of Coinbase examined the perceptions of the global financial system and how U.S. adults and cryptocurrency investors view the future of the cryptocurrency market. It found that Americans believe the current financial system needs to be updated, and there is optimism about owning bitcoin as we head into the future.

The survey found that “80% of Americans say the global financial system unfairly favors powerful interests.” In addition, 67% said that the financial system needs a major overhaul. Interestingly, younger Americans are most likely to favor cryptocurrency and view it as a worthwhile asset for the future.

With the various challenges presented over the last couple of decades, including the 2008 financial crisis, the COVID-19 lockdowns and subsequent economic fallout, unsurprisingly, “Among U.S. adults, the top word associations with the global financial system are ‘expensive’ (34%), ‘unfair’ (30%), and ‘confusing’ (30%).”

Master Asked on February 27, 2023 in Cryptocurrency.
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