Preparing For Bitcoin Day’s 1st Anniversary

Hard to believe Bitcoin Day’s 1st anniversary and almost a year has passed….September 7th will mark one year since Bitcoin Day took place in El Salvador and the country has become all the better ever since….

News From El Salvador, Late August: Preparing for Bitcoin Day’s 1st Anniversary

“It’s hard to believe Bitcoin Day was only a year ago. Let’s go back to El Salvador in anticipation of that faithful day’s celebrations, you’ll find that the country is booming with activity. This compilation of news has it all; from tourism to mining, from conferences to meetups. For a while there, the war with the gangs monopolized El Salvador-related headlines, but with Bitcoin Day’s anniversary on the horizon, it’s time to go back to basics.

First of all, tourism in El Salvador is back at pre-pandemic levels and then some. President Bukele clarifies that the charts refer to “international tourism,” so the main drivers are “Bitcoin and surf.” Not only that, “internal tourism is growing even more, mainly because of our crackdown on gangs.”

Since the original Bitcoin Day, mining in El Salvador has done nothing but grow. In the following video, Anchor mining shows the immersion coolers they brought to El Salvador. Plus, in the tweet, the company’s founder makes a promise.“Soon to launch the educational project where my team will be explaining how immersion cooling is the future of the hashrate decentralization.”


Master Asked on August 30, 2022 in Bitcoin.
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