Max Keiser…Bitcoin Should Embrace Bitcoin Maximalism

OG Bitcoin bull Max Keiser and partner Stacey Herbert have been spending a lot of time in El Salvador and even more time over the year spreading the Bitcoin gospel….Here is a really good piece where Keiser offers his take that El Salvador should shun altcoins and embrace only Bitcoin….


“Bitcoin (BTC) has been made legal tender in El Salvador, the first country in the world to do so, where confidence in Bitcoin is growing as Bitcoin-enabled positive changes continue to transform the economy.

Now it’s time for El Salvador to embrace Bitcoin maximalism as a guiding principle and reject all so-called “crypto” and “altcoin” projects.

As Bitcoin continues to overtake fiat money, CBDC’s, Gold and so-called altcoins to become the sole, global monetary standard, Bitcoin Maximalism has emerged as an essential guiding principle.

It’s clear and irrefutable that nothing competes or compares with Bitcoin and nothing will ever displace it as virtually perfect money.

Pete Rizzo of Bitcoin Magazine in his piece dated September 29, of 2021 entitled, “Against Cryptocurrency: The Ethical Argument for Bitcoin Maximalism,” highlights Bitcoin’s core strengths:

– Separating money from state

– Creating global money

– Transparent issuance

– Perpetual audibility

– Unconfiscatablity

– Finite supply of monetary units

Additionally, and crucially, Bitcoin is:

– Uniquely decentralized”


Master Asked on April 29, 2022 in Cryptocurrency.
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