Louisiana Legislature Passes Resolution Praising Bitcoin, Encourages Use

This is really something to see and although Louisiana isn’t the first place one would think of when they think of Bitcoin and crypto adoption and acceptance, good for them for having the foresight to embrace Bitcoin:

Louisiana Legislature Passes Resolution Praising Bitcoin, Encourages Use

The Louisiana House of Representatives has passed a resolution praising Bitcoin and encouraging state and local governments to explore ways to use the cryptocurrency.

The resolution, signed by Speaker Clay Schexnayder, a Republican, lauds Bitcoin “for its success in becoming the first decentralized trillion dollar asset,” and notes that it “could potentially replace gold as a monetary reserve.”

The resolution said Bitcoin has benefited businesses and has “proven to be a critical tool for citizens around the world to protect themselves from currency debasement.”It praised Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonym used by the engineer or team of engineers who created Bitcoin in 2009, for “his contribution to economic security.”

Full article here: https://www.newsweek.com/louisiana-legislature-passes-resolution-praising-bitcoin-encourages-use-1587940


Master Asked on April 30, 2021 in Bitcoin.
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