Impact If All $300 Billion In Stimulus Checks Was Invested in Bitcoin

If all $300 billion in stimulus checks was invested in Bitcoin, we’d see Bitcoin’s market cap reach and exceed $2 trillion! That equals @ $100K per BTC, via Dan Hedl at Kraken

Kraken Explains Impact If All $300 Billion In Stimulus Checks Was Invested In Bitcoin

“As the United States (U.S.) economy gets back into motion after months of Covid-19 prevention measures, many citizens have likely already received money from the government in the form of stimulus checks or deposits. Although many folks may have already spent their cash allotments from Uncle Sam, what would happen if everyone put their stimulus money toward bitcoin (BTC)?

‘If every stimulus check was used to buy bitcoin, we’d see bitcoin’s market cap exceed $2 trillion ($100,000 per coin),’ director of business development for Kraken digital asset exchange, Dan Held, told me via email correspondence on May 12.”

Master Asked on June 14, 2020 in Bitcoin.
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