Crypto Could Give London an Advantage Over European Competitors

it’s like banging ones head against the wall at times, people either don’t get it or those in control know but want to stifle innovation as it could easily lead to the demise of their power and control. Former Chancellor of the Exchequer Phillip Hammond offers that the UK needs to move focus from brexit to crypto to secure our future here.

“We Need to Move Quickly And Effectively”
In a recent interview with City A.M., the former member of the Conservative Party – Philip Hammond – opined that the UK should move its focus from Brexit to digital currencies. By doing so, the kingdom could secure its financial status since bitcoin, and the altcoins will become more and more employed on a macroeconomic level:

“I personally think the momentum is now unstoppable. We need to move quickly and effectively to secure London’s position.”

Hammond warned that ignoring the asset class is not wise as many European nations have begun embracing them. He added that some of those competitors view cryptocurrencies as an opportunity to overtake the UK as a world financial services hub:

“If we don’t watch carefully we will find some surprising people are ahead of us.”


Master Asked on December 2, 2021 in Cryptocurrency.
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