Bitcoin Classes: Over 60% Of Parents Want Their Kids To Learn Crypto In School

The question posed is how much do you think children learning about Bitcoin and cryptocurrency in shools will benefit them. Considering we are talking about the future of currency that is here now and will be a major facet of their lives; immensely.

Bitcoin Classes: Over 60% Of Parents Want Their Kids To Learn Crypto In School

Bitcoin, the metaverse and NFTs are the talk of the town these days, but how much do you think it would help our children if they knew about this?

A recent survey including more than 800 parents and 200 college graduates in the United States was conducted to gain a greater perspective and understanding of the value of a crypto education.

According to a poll conducted by the educational portal, more than 60 percent of American parents want their children to take bitcoin and other crypto programs in high school.

Bitcoin Must Be Part Of The Curriculum
The survey revealed that 64 percent of 884 American parents and 67 percent of 210 American college graduates feel that cryptocurrency should be compulsory in schools.

All interviewees were examined to make sure they possessed at least a fundamental comprehension of cryptocurrencies, the blockchain, and the metaverse.

The American education system is continuously adapting to new innovations and adjusting to meet the demands of an evolving economy.

Full article here:


Master Asked on August 25, 2022 in Cryptocurrency.
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