RE: Researcher Re-mines Satoshi’s Bitcoin Blocks To Discover His Secrets

Some interesting stuff if true

Researcher Re-mines Satoshi’s Bitcoin Blocks To Discover His Secrets

“This past June, Lerner published a blog that expanded on his original research from 2013. He suggested that for an unknown reason, Satoshi refrained from mining in the first five minutes of the block interval. Other researchers have also expanded on Lerner’s research. TechMiX showed that all the blocks mined by Satoshi could be grouped into five baskets, based on the frequency distribution of the Nonce LSB values.

…If Lerner’s conclusions are correct that would lend more credence to the hypothesis that Satoshi Nakamoto was a single person and not a team. This would also put another nail into Craig Wright’s claims of being a Bitcoin creator as he has indicated numerous times that he used dozens of computers to mine the early blocks.”

SavannahBTC Master Asked on August 23, 2020 in Bitcoin.
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1 Answers

Cracking up at the last paragraph in that article. At this point it’s ridiculous for anyone or even Craig himself to support the whole Faketoshi nonsense and this just further drives that home.

Master Answered on August 24, 2020.
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