RE: No, You Sir Are ‘Sorely Mistaken’
These people just don’t get it…and are the reason Bitcoin exists. These types are the virus, Bitcoin is the cure.
SEC Chief: You’re ‘Sorely Mistaken’ if You Think Bitcoin’s All Grown Up
The chairman of the independent agency of the United States federal government stated in his opening speech at Delivering Alpha:
“If [investors] think there’s the same rigor around that price discovery as there is on the Nasdaq or New York Stock Exchange … they are sorely mistaken. We have to get to a place where we can be confident that trading is better regulated.”
This is not the first time Clayton has echoed such sentiment. In November of last year, the SEC chairman revealed his concerns about Bitcoin price manipulation, stating:
“An even harder question given that they trade on largely unregulated exchanges is how can we be sure that those prices aren’t subject to significant manipulation? … People needed to answer these hard questions for us to be comfortable that this was the appropriate kind of product.”