RE: I Think Kraken’s $350K by 2044 Is A Little Off

2044 is 24 years away and that is a LONG time, especially when you consider where Bitcoin has gone in the short time since its inception. Also, there are many other factors aside from just wealth transfer, mainstream adoption will drive the price WAY above that just by itself.

Millennials’ Inheritance Wealth Can Push Bitcoin’s Price To $350,000 By 2044, Kraken Reports

“Bitcoin’s price might reach $350,000 in the years to come, according to a recent report compiled by the popular U.S. cryptocurrency exchange, Kraken. It indicated that Millennials will soon inherit trillions of dollars, which the younger generation could invest in Bitcoin, as they are more tech-oriented

The paper estimated that more than $68T of U.S. wealth will change hands in the upcoming years. Generation X will inherit $38T, while the remaining $30T will go to Millennials.

…The veteran exchange’s document quantified the potential flow of wealth into Bitcoin. To do so, they considered the adoption rate of innovative technology, the rate of wealth inheritance, and the expected allocation of wealth to Bitcoin in 2044, or ‘peak allocation.'”

SavannahBTC Master Asked on March 28, 2020 in Bitcoin.
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1 Answers

Agreed. We shall definitely see $350KPLUS BTC by 2044, in my opinion.

Master Answered on March 28, 2020.
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