RE: Happy Bitconnect RIP Day!!!
Today marks two years since Bitconect and all of the scamming trash associated with it crashed and burned…remember the ridiculous, over-the-top video of Carlos Matos giving his testimonial at their one and only event? What a joke! Good riddance!
“The crypto lending scheme, known for its mass-audience meetings and pervasive messages, promised huge rates of return, depending on always-booming BTC prices. At its peak, BitConnect (BCC) token reached prices close to $600.
But in just one day, BCC sank to below a dollar and was soon delisted from all exchanges after announcing it was closing due to multiple cease and desist notices.. BitConnect was the first so-called crypto lending scheme, which took in BTC and paid out enormous interest rates in dollars.
Bitconnect’s trick was that customers had to convert their BTC to BCC on the website. Because BCC only traded on the internal Bitconnect exchange, the scheme could set the price as high as it wished. BCC started off cautiously, with a price of just $3.50, but latecomers had to pay a much steeper price.”
Few people can attain the level of annoyingness Matos has. Last I heard he was promoting some weight loss ***, I just hope he stays under whatever rock he has crawled under.