RE: Facebook’s Libra?
What are the thoughts, here? I browsed around and feel most here think as I do that this is just bs from the likes of Zuck. Hopefully this brings more into the cryptosphere and drives BTC’s price way up!
From the WSJ “Bitcoin Fans Spy Opportunity in Facebook Libra Launch”
Max Keiser kills me hahaha
‘Satoshi’s Useful Idiot’ Zuckerberg Will Boost Bitcoin Price Beyond $20,000: Max Keiser
Max Keiser, tweet poet.
It’s built into the protocol’s genesis block that eventually a heavyweight like $fb would take on BTC. This increased awareness and appeal to would-be potentates will, of course, drive the hashrate to new highs, leading to new ATH for BTC price. Zuck is Satoshi’s useful idiot.