RE: Corporations Need Bitcoin?

Everyone and every thing can – and will – benefit from Bitcoin. Most just don’t know it yet!

Corporations Need Bitcoin. They Just Don’t Know It Yet

“From Nokia to Microsoft to Borders to BlackBerry, incumbents fail again and again to preserve their market position and grow wages, despite all the market data they vacuum up each year, all the consultants they pay and all the bright young college grads they hire.

This is a big problem. Why is it so?

The problem is that digital technology has advanced the “practical arts” (from spreadsheets to movie-making) to such a degree that advanced planning and hyper-efficient processes – once strengths of the large hierarchical organization – are no longer as valuable. In an unpredictable, ad-hoc business environment, agility rules and bureaucracy is a drag.

If Bitcoin and similar networks can’t help large companies become more agile, they may have little relevance in the economy of the next 20 years. What is the path to utility?

The philosopher Bertrand de Jouvenel theorized that we can reason about the future by conceiving of “futuribles.” “A future state of affairs enters into the class of ‘futuribles’ only if its mode of production from the present state of affairs is plausible and imaginable,” he wrote. “A futurible is a descendant of the present, a descendant to which we attach a genealogy” that extends from conditions today.”

SavannahBTC Master Asked on December 23, 2019 in Bitcoin.
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1 Answers

They just have no idea although contrary to what a lot of these bigwigs will say , they are supporting and accumulating Bitcoin hand over fist .

Master Answered on December 23, 2019.
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