RE: Bitcoin’s “Lightning Torch”?
” The bitcoin community is currently immersed in an experiment called the ‘lightning torch.’ The effort is intended to show the value of bitcoin’s lightning network – an up-and-coming technology that is experimental and hard to use so far, but it does offer improvements over today’s most common payment systems by allowing users to pass money around the world quickly and without a third party, unlike Mastercard and Paypal…
The list of participants includes some notable names in the bitcoin community, such as advocate and Mastering Bitcoin author Andreas Antonopoulos. ‘Heretical thought of the day: Playing #LNtrustchain is better than watching the Superbowl,’ he tweeted after sending the torch to the next participant, adding: ‘Ok, I lied. Anything is better than watching the Superbowl for this geek.’ ”
For thall shall hold thigh torch high. And thall shall celebrate in the glory of great works. For this tradition will be forever symbolic in new ages to come.