RE: Bitcoin ‘Hardest Money In History’ ?

Travis Kling says it is…

“Appearing on CNN, the founder and chief investment officer of Ikigai Asset Management, a Los Angeles-based crypto hedge fund, says Bitcoin represents revolutionary concept after revolutionary concept. And while it’s difficult to understand, Kling says it’s more needed with each passing day.

‘Collectively, over about 500 hours of self-study in the summer of 2017, [I] convinced myself that this technology was going to be the most important innovation since the internet, the first time around, and as such was likely to be the most significant investment opportunity of a generation.'”

Hodler Master Asked on September 18, 2019 in Bitcoin.
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“I understand that it’s not bite-sized for the average person to understand. You have to understand some amount of cryptography and computer science and game theory and sociology and governance and mechanisms. There’s a lot of things that you have to understand. But simplistically, it is an insurance policy against monetary and fiscal policy irresponsibility. And it’s apparent that the world needs that more today than they did yesterday, and they’re going to need it more tomorrow than they need it today based on what central banks and governments are doing.”


The dawn of a new age. What a time to be alive.

Master Answered on September 18, 2019.
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