RE: Bitcoin, Gold, Yachts, & Snickers Bars

This about says it all – and we are still in the early days!

“Then, yesterday, perhaps annoyed by Peter Schiff’s non-stop mocking of Bitcoin (or as Woo called it, ‘tireless promotion of Bitcoin to his audience of gold bugs’), he published a live chart that tracks the performance of gold vs Bitcoin in the case of a $1 investment made on 6 October 2009 (the day when ‘Bitcoin first had a market price).

Woo then used a snapshot of this chart in a tweet to explain that if you had invested $1 in Bitcoin back on that date, your investment today would be worth $12.8 million, meaning that you would have enough money now to buy a nice yacht, whereas if you had invested the same $1 amount in gold, you would now have $1.66, which is how much he says it costs to buy a Snickers chocolate bar in the U.S.”

SavannahBTC Master Asked on June 10, 2020 in Bitcoin.
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1 Answers

Classic…!!! If you can eat a Snickers when you’re not feeling yourself and end up feelin great, just imagine what hodl’ing some Bitcoin will do for you!

Master Answered on June 10, 2020.
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