RE: 1 Bitcoin Could Exceed $1ml In 7-10 Years

I’ll link the original essay this was taken from below the article:

One Bitcoin Could Exceed $1 Million in 7 -10 Years: PayPal Director

“ ‘In my (subjective) opinion those chances of succeeding are at least 50%. If Bitcoin does succeed, 1 Bitcoin may be worth more than $1 million in 7 to 10 years. That is 250 times what it is worth today (at the time of writing the price of Bitcoin is ~ $4,000),’ Casares wrote. ”


Hodler Master Asked on April 15, 2019 in Bitcoin.
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2 Answers

With only 21 million ever to be in existence coupled with our earth’s population, I see no reason the price won’t be this and  much higher in the future .

Master Answered on April 16, 2019.
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